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Welcome to (the "Website"). These are the rules you need to know when using our Website and getting stuff from us. We are, and you can call us the Company or just "we." When you visit our Website, use free resources, or buy things from us, like house plans, you're agreeing to follow these rules. Make sure to read these rules before you use the Website. If you don't like the rules, then you can't use the Website or get stuff from us. We can change these rules without telling you first, so check them whenever you come here or buy things from us. If we change the rules and you keep using the Website, it means you agree to the new rules.


If you have questions about these rules, you can email us at



When you use information from our Company, including free or purchased Plans or design tools here's what you agree to:


If we own any rights to the Plans, we give you permission to use them according to these Terms.


If we've licensed the Plans from someone else, we pass that permission to you.


For any Plans you buy, you'll have to pay any taxes and shipping costs, if there are any. Once you place an order on our website, it's final, and we can't give refunds for any reason.


If we make mistakes in our offers, we can cancel those orders. All the prices mentioned on our website are in US Dollars, unless we say otherwise.


Design tools like the Smart Build Systems E-Modeler is the property of a third party provider and you agree to the terms and use of that provider.


Before You Use or Buy:

You need to think about some important things before you use or buy any of our products or services.  According to these Terms:


You should learn about how to buy and use the stuff we offer on our website. You can do this by talking to experts like builders or architects and checking with your local building department.


Our Plans or information might not follow all the rules and codes of your specific area. You might need to change them to meet your local laws, so talk to your local officials.


Buying on Our Website:

If you want to buy something from us, like Plans, we might ask for your personal info and payment details. We'll handle your info as we've explained in our Privacy Policy.


You promise that the info you give us is accurate and up-to-date. You'll pay for everything you buy, including any taxes.


Returns and Refunds:

Once you order something on our website, it's final. We can't give you your money back or swap it for something else, no matter the reason. So, make sure you're sure about your choice before you order. Also, all the Plans we provide for free or sell are given to you as they are. You need to check if they fit your needs and follow the laws in your area before using them.



When you use or buy Plans from us on the website, or utilize free services like the Smart Build E-modeler, we give you a special permission called a "License." This License lets you use the information or  Plans to build what's shown in them, like a barndominium or structure (we'll call it the "Project"). But there are rules you need to follow:


You can't give or sell this License to anyone else without asking us first.


You can only make changes to the Plans if it's needed for your Project and to follow your local laws.


You can only use the Plans for one Project unless we say otherwise.


You can't share the Plans with anyone except the people who really need to know, like builders or government officials.


You must have a local professional designer or engineer check and approve the Plans before you start building.


You and your builder need to have enough insurance to cover your responsibilities under these Terms and the laws in your area.


Responsibilities of You and Your Builder:

When you buy or use information or Plans on our website, there are important things you and your builder need to take care of, and it's not our job or the website's job. Here's what you and your builder are responsible for:


Your builder must make sure all the work follows the latest construction standards and laws.


Either you or your builder must get all the necessary permits and inspections from local government agencies as required by the law.


Either you or your builder must check the Plans before starting construction to make sure everything is accurate and fits where you want to build.


Either you or your builder must check and measure the land conditions before building. Different places have different rules, so you might need to adjust the plan.


Your builder will help you decide on the right materials, like wood or roofing, and make sure they fit the plan.


Your builder should use standard construction methods to make a strong and weatherproof final product.


Your builder is in charge of how the construction workers and others work safely on the construction site.


Your builder must make sure all materials and equipment are new and good quality.


Your builder must use all the materials and equipment as the manufacturer says.


Your builder should follow all the instructions to keep any warranties and guarantees that come with the materials, equipment, or parts. It's their job to make sure everything is new and works well.


Intellectual Property Rights:

The Company and its partners own all the special rights to things like the website, plans, images, and more. This means they are the only ones who can decide how to use them. The Company's plans are also protected by laws, both in the United States and other countries. You can only use the plans the way the rules and these terms say. Using them in any other way, like copying or selling them, without the Company's written permission, breaks the law.



According to these terms, you promise to protect and defend the Company, its friends, and the people who work with them from any problems, like losses or costs, that happen because of:


You not following these terms, including the license.


What you do on the website or with the plans, like how you use them, change them, or build from them.


Mistakes or things you don't do right, and things your helpers or workers do.


Anything you put on the website or give to the Company when you buy plans, like floor plans or specifications.


The Company can also take over dealing with any problems if they want to, but they'll pay for it themselves.


Your Responsibility and Risks:

You should know that using the website, including everything on it like content, services, and products, including plans you use for free, buy or license, is your responsibility. The plans you get from the website are provided as they are, without any special promises or guarantees. This means they might not be perfect, and it's up to you, not the website or the company, to make sure they're right for what you want to do. You also need to check if they follow your local building rules and laws. The company can't be held responsible for mistakes in these documents, and they can change things whenever they want. They also can't be blamed if there are problems with how the plans are used or if the buildings made from them are strong enough.


Additional Important Information:

When you use information or use or buy a plan from the website, it's your job to make sure your barndominium or other building follows the local rules and laws. The company can't be held responsible for how the plans are understood or if the buildings made from them are safe. The plans are meant to show how things should look and be built, but it's your responsibility to get professional help to make sure everything is done right. This includes things like getting structural analysis, engineering, and specifications if they're needed in your area.


You also need to check the conditions and size of your land before building. The information and plans provided as a basic guide, and you might need to adjust it to fit your specific location.


You should have a builder, licensed architect or structural engineer to review the plans. The plans don't have an official stamp or signature from an architect or engineer. You'll have to pay for any extra costs related to following the local rules and laws.


The company hires designers they trust, but sometimes, changes might be needed to fix errors or omissions in the plans. These changes don't mean the company or designer did something wrong.


Limits on Responsibility:

The company and its partners can't be held responsible for any indirect, punitive, accidental, special, or big damages that might happen because of your use of the website or the plans. If, by some chance, the company is responsible for direct damages, they will only be responsible for the amount you paid them for the issue that caused the damages.


In some places, the law might not allow them to limit their responsibility for certain damages, so these limits might not apply to you. If the rules say that these limits are not allowed, the most the company would have to pay is the amount you paid them for the issue that caused the damages.



The company can end these terms, the license, and your right to use the website if you don't follow the rules in these terms. If you finish or give up on your project, the license will also end, unless it's ended earlier.


Disputes, Laws, and Courts:

The rules for how you and the company work together, as laid out in these terms, will follow the laws of the State of Michigan in the United States, without worrying about differences in laws between places. If there's any problem or argument between you and the company, it will be sorted out in a court in Washtenaw County, Chelsea, Michigan, in the United States. The company can also ask for fair solutions if you break these terms. You agree to follow the rules of the courts in Washtenaw County and won't argue that they are not the right place to deal with any issues. You also give up your right to have a jury decide the case in any legal actions related to these terms.


Unexpected Events (Force Majeure):

If the company can't do what they promised because of things like natural disasters, war, government actions, or other big problems beyond their control, they won't be held responsible for it, and it won't be seen as breaking these terms.



If you are accepting these terms for a company or any other legal entity, you promise that you have the authority to do so and make the entity follow these terms. Even if a court decides that one part of these terms can't be enforced, the rest of the terms still apply and work. If the company doesn't quickly use a right or rule in these terms, it doesn't mean they give up on that right or rule. These terms cover everything you and the company talk about related to the website and plans, and they replace any previous agreements. You and the company aren't starting a partnership, joint venture, employment, or agency relationship because of these terms.


In these terms, when it says "including," it also means "including, but not limited to." When it says "we" or "our," it means the company. When it says "you" or "your," it means you personally if you're agreeing to these terms as an individual, and it means the company, partnership, or organization you represent if you're accepting these terms on their behalf. The titles and headings in these terms are just for convenience and don't explain the terms themselves. These terms are binding, which means they apply, even for the people who come after you and any group you assign them to.

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